Why You Should Grow Your Own


Why not? It is now legal in South Africa to grow your own weed in a private place for medical or recreational use. As long as you are not selling your produce and your plants are not visible to the general public, your right to privacy protects you. What you do in the confines of your own home is, within limits, your own private business. No-one has the right to enter your home because they think you may be growing marijuana.


Growing cannabis yourself allows you to choose exactly the strains you want to grow. Do you like indica? Maybe sativa? Perhaps skunk or cheese or any of the many excellent hybrids now available? How about a nice hashy Afghan kush or a landrace Thai strain next time? What about something that specifically suits your condition if you are a medical user?

grow own cannabis


If you are growing cannabis at home (or another private place), you control the grow environment from start to finish and can be absolutely certain that no toxic pesticides or synthetic growth hormones have been used. Some growers deal very ruthlessly with any pests that could threaten a harvest. If mild, people and animal-friendly remedies don’t do the job, unscrupulous growers will take it up a level with deadly poisons and pump whatever synthetic hormones they can into their plants for bigger yields. You don’t want to be consuming this stuff in any way and growing your own marijuana is the best way to avoid it. Unless you buy bud or extracts that have been fully tested and analysed by a certified laboratory, you have no other guarantee.


Save money and be as well stocked as you want to be. Prime bud is not cheap and growing your own makes a lot of sense. You’ll never have to run out and you can impress your friends and family with your steady supply of gorgeous nugs.


THE BEST REASON OF ALL is that growing weed is really rewarding and a lot of fun.

Jorge Cervantes warned that smoking marijuana was not addictive but that growing it could be. There’s nothing quite like watching your buds develop from small, fluffy white balls to trichome laden monsters.



Why you should grow Cannabis ORGANICALLY, without chemical fertilisers


Organically grown cannabis tastes and smells better and has a better effect. That is fact! No question or debate… Chemical fertilizers simply cannot give the same quality as organics. What top chef uses anything other than organically grown produce in their kitchen? None. Why? Because you simply don’t get the quality with anything else.


Keep chemicals out of your body! As we continuously pollute our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat, we are becoming sicker. In the 20th century we entered a chemical age and are becoming increasingly debilitated by disease as we are bombarded by an ever-increasing array of toxins.
Grow Cannabis Organically


It’s a lot easier than you think! Organic growing has a reputation for being more difficult and more work than the quick-fix provided by cheap chemical fertilisers. To an extent that is true, but with a little effort and proper grow management you will easily find a level of organic growing which is perfectly suited to you.


Reconnect with nature. Don’t be part of the chemical problem. Many first-time cannabis growers have seldom grown plants before but often start herb and vegetable gardens as growing cannabis draws them into a reconnection with the natural world which sustains us. Chemically polluting your body, mind and environment is not conducive to this rewarding experience.


Get great yields! It is a myth that chemical fertilizers give much better yields. When home marijuana growing first became popular, chemical yields were often better but as the science of organic growing has progressed and we understand more and more about the symbiotic relationships between plants, soils and their microbiome, organic yields have caught up with and can overtake chemical yields. GROWING WEED ORGANICALLY IS A MUST FOR THE HOME GROWER!

How To Grow Medical Cannabis With Bat Guano

Grow Cannabis Organically

While high-phosphate bat guano is an organic superfood for any flowering plant, it is a particularly good fertiliser for cannabis

Its complex make-up and rich composition are legendary as a bloom-booster, a taste, smell and terpene enhancer, a soil-life and health promoter and a general tonic for cannabis. We could spend hours telling you of the many benefits of growing weed with bat guano but rather just do an internet search for “cannabis” and “bat guano” and read the rave reviews about probably the most highly respected organic cannabis food on the planet..

High-phosphate guano is particularly important as it provides organic phosphate in both readily accessible and slower release forms at a level which is rare in truly organic fertilisers. While nitrogen is important during the cannabis plant’s vegetative growth stage and it always likes good levels of potassium, our guano provides that abundance of organic phosphate which cannabis loves during and toward the end of its flowering period. Phosphate is also important for root development at the beginning of the plant’s life-cycle.

Critically important when growing organically with bat guano is that the phosphate is in a form very highly accessible to beneficial mycorrhizal fungi which should be utilised in symbiosis.

Growing Cannabis With High-Phosphate Guano

Grow Your Own Cannabis

Flowering Cannabis

Grow Your Own Cannabis
Legal Cannabis
medical cannabis

What is certain is that, effectively utilised, phosphate-rich bat guano will produce some of the heaviest, tastiest, trichome-laden, centrefold buds around

Medicinally, there is simply no comparison between chemical, hydro or “semi-organic” bud or extracts and a true organic product.